Builtin functions

Functional constraint

Deval’s ability to evaluate code at compilation or delay it to runtime relies on template code not having any side-effect. Side-effects would make evaluation not predictable by depending on inputs that Deval have no control on, and therefore could break your templates by producing different results depending on when or in which order functions are evaluated. This is why the template language and all Deval flavor functions are pure.

Deval has no way to make sure functions you inject are pure, so this responsibility is left to the developer. Remember it’s technically possible to inject non-pure functions into a Deval template but you’ll most probably break something if you do so, unless you really know what you’re doing.

List of builtin functions

Deval offers two predefined “flavors” of builtin functions you can inject:

  • Preferred “deval” flavor: a minimal set of pure functions you can safely use in your templates without any risk of unexpected behavior ;

  • Alternative “php” flavor: all standard PHP functions made directly available in your templates. Make sure you only use the pure ones, otherwise you may experience unreliable results as explained above.

To inject builtin functions into your template, use the same Deval\Renderer::inject method we saw in previous sections:

// Inject "deval" flavor builtin functions into your template

// or

// Inject "php" flavor builtin functions into your template

Deval flavor functions

Following functions are available in Deval\Builtin::deval flavor:

array(value1[, value2[, ...]])

Convert parameters into arrays and merge them together. This function can be used to cast any value to an array (equivalent to PHP’s (array) cast) and/or concatenate several values as a single array.


valueN (mixed) – any value


concatenated parameters $valueN after converting them to arrays


Convert input value into boolean, just like a PHP boolean cast would do.


value (mixed) – any value


input value converted to boolean

cat(value1[, value2[, ...]])

Concatenate arrays or strings (all arguments will be treated as arrays or strings depending on the type of first argument).


valueN (mixed) – string or array


concatenated values

compare(value1, value2)

Compare two values and return -1 if first one is lower than second one, 1 if first one is greater than second one, or 0 otherwise. When used on numeric values comparison uses numerical order. When used on strings comparison uses alphabetical order. Two values of different types are always different but the order between them is undefined.


valueN (mixed) – any value


comparison order

default(value, fallback)

Shorthand function to test whether a value is defined and not null.


value (mixed) – input value


value if defined and not null, fallback otherwise

filter(items[, predicate])

Filter items from an array based on a predicate. If predicate is not specified then (item) => bool(item) is used, meaning function will return an array with all items which are equivalent to true using PHP boolean casting rules.

  • items (any_array) – input items

  • predicate (function) – predicate callback


array of all items for which predicate(item) is true

find(items[, predicate])

Find first item from an array matching given predicate. If predicate is not specified then (item) => true is used, meaning function will return first item from the array.

  • items (any_array) – input items

  • predicate (function) – predicate callback


first item from array for which predicate(item) is true


Return an array where keys and values have been swapped (similar to PHP function array_flip).


items (any_array) – input items


array with swapped keys and values


Convert input value into floading point number, just like a PHP float cast would do.


value (mixed) – any value


input value converted to floating point number

group(items[, get_key[, get_value[, initial]]])

Group array items by key and merge together values sharing the same key. This function will process every key and value from input array items and apply get_key(item.value, item.key) to compute grouping key, then get_value(aggregate, item.value) to compute aggregated value. In case two or more items share the same key, get_value will be called with initial as first argument then each subsequent call receives aggregated value resulting from previous call.

This very versatile function can be used in multiple situations depending on the callbacks you specify. Here are a few examples:

  • items (any_array) – input items

  • get_key (function) – key transform callback receiving item’s value and key as arguments ; returns value if not specified

  • get_value (function) – value transform callback receiving current aggregate for this item’s computed key and value as arguments ; returns value if not specified

  • initial (any) – initial aggregate passed as first argument of get_value for the first item of each group ; null if not specified


grouped array

{{ $ group(values) /* keep distinct values */ }}
{{ $ group(users, (user) => user.id) /* index users by ID */ }}
{{ $ group(books, (book) => book.author, (books, book) => cat(books, [book]), []) /* group books by author */ }}

Convert input value into integer number, just like a PHP int cast would do.


value (mixed) – any value


input value converted to integer number

join(items[, separator])

Join array items together in a string using an optional separator (similar to PHP function implode).

  • items (any_array) – input items

  • separator (string) – separator, empty string is used if undefined


joined array items as a single string


Extract keys from array and make another array out of them (similar to PHP function array_keys).


items (any_array) – input items


input item keys


Return length of an array (number of items) or a string (number of characters).


value (mixed) – input array or string


length of input value

map(items, apply)

Returns an array after applying given callback to all its values, leaving keys unchanged (similar to PHP function array_map).


items (any_array) – input items


array of (key, apply(value)) pairs

max(value1[, value2[, ...]])

Returns highest value in given array when given a single argument, or highest argument when given more than one (similar to PHP function max).


valueN (mixed) – array (if one argument) or scalar value (if more)


greatest value or argument

min(value1[, value2[, ...]])

Returns lowest value in given array when given a single argument, or lowest argument when given more than one (similar to PHP function min).


valueN (mixed) – array (if one argument) or scalar value (if more)


lowest value or argument


Access PHP global variable, constant or function by name. Prepend “#” to name to access a constant or “$” to access a variable. Class members can be accessed by prepending their namespace followed by “::” to the symbol name. This function allows you to escape from a safe pure context, so all precautions listed in Functional constraint section apply to it.


symbol (string) – name of the symbol to access


symbol value

{{ $ php("implode")(",", [1, 2]) /* access PHP function */ }}
{{ $ php("#PHP_VERSION") /* access PHP constant */ }}
{{ $ php("$_SERVER")["PHP_SELF"] /* access PHP variable */ }}
{{ $ php("My\\SomeClass::$field") /* access class variable */ }}
{{ $ php("OtherClass::#VALUE") /* access class constant */ }}
range(start, stop[, step])

Build a sequence of numbers between given boundaries (inclusive), using a step increment between each value (similar to PHP function range).

  • start (integer) – first value of the sequence

  • stop (integer) – last value of the sequence

  • step (integer) – increment between numbers, 1 will be used in not specified


sequence array

reduce(items, callback[, initial])

Reduce array items to a scalar value using a callback function (similar to PHP function array_reduce).

  • items (any_array) – input items

  • callback (function) – callback function producing result from aggregated value and current item value

  • initial (mixed) – value used as initial aggregate, null if not specified


final aggregated value

replace(value, replacements)

Replace all occurrences of replacements keys by corresponding values (similar to PHP function str_replace but takes a single key-value array for replacements instead of two separate arrays).

  • value (string) – original string

  • replacements (any_array) – replacements key-value pairs


string with all keys from replacements replaced


Reverse elements in an array (similar to PHP function array_reverse) or characters in a string (similar to PHP function strrev).


value (mixed) – input array or string


reversed array or string

slice(value, offset[, count])

Extract delimited slice from given array or string starting at given offset.

  • value (mixed) – input array or string

  • offset (integer) – beginning offset of extracted slice

  • count (integer) – length of extracted slice, or extract to the end if not specified


extracted array or string slice

sort(items[, compare])

Sort input array using optional comparison callback.

  • items (any_array) – input items

  • callback (function) – items comparison function, see usort for specification


sorted array

split(string, separator[, limit])

Split string into array using a separator string (similar to PHP function explode).

  • string (string) – input string

  • separator (string) – separator string

  • limit (integer) – maximum number of items in output array


array of split strings


Convert input value into string, just like a PHP string cast would do.


value (mixed) – any value


input value converted to string


Extract values from array and make another array out of them (similar to PHP function array_values).


items (any_array) – input items


input item values


Empty function which always returns null, for use as a default placeholder in Deval statements.



zip(keys, values)

Create a key-value array from given list of keys and values (similar to PHP function array_combine). Input arrays keys and values must have the same length for this function to work properly.

  • keys (any_array) – items to be used as array keys

  • values (any_array) – items to be used as array values


key-value array

PHP flavor functions

If you chose to use Deval\Builtin::php flavor, all standard PHP functions are available in your templates. Proceed with caution! Using any non-pure function e.g. rand could make your template unreliable as you don’t control when exactly it’s going to be called nor how many times.

{{ if strlen(input) == 0 }}
    Please enter a non-empty value!
{{ end }}